Trauma Release Therapy

Trauma Massage

Allowing for a gradual release of tension, buried traumas, and pent-up emotions.

What is trauma?

Trauma is any occurrence that exceeds the body’s capabilities to adapt and cope to events and situations that occur in life and shock begins when we are confronted by an experience so stunning, we are forced to disconnect from our bodies. During a traumatic event, a million things happen in the body in an attempt at self-preservation. The “fight or flight” response is a name given to the instinctual bodily processes that spring into action during moments of extreme stress, fear, or trauma. A flood of adrenaline is released so that someone has the needed energy to physically fight or run away from the danger. It’s a natural response, but unless the after-effects are dealt with, the initial traumatic event can have a lasting effect.

 Some examples of potentially traumatic events:

      • Car accident
      • Surgery
      • Assault/sexual assault (of self, loved one, or close personal friend)
      • Verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, or sexual abuse (of self, loved one, or close personal friend)
      • Surviving a natural disaster, house fire, or the like
      • Violent death of a loved one or close personal friend
      • Chronic illness or pain (of self, loved one, or close personal friend)
      • War or battlefield experiences

What is Trauma Release Therapy?

This is not traditional massage. TRT is a noninvasive client centered bodywork modality, which allows clients to gain tools for dissipating the energetic charge of trauma and integrate this new skill set into their lives. TRT utilizes an unhurried process, allowing for a gradual, integrative release of tension, buried traumas, and pent-up emotions. Together, the Trauma Release Therapist and client create a safe environment in which trust can unfold, the client’s bodily needs can be seen and understood, and healthy boundaries can develop. The Trauma Release Therapist taps into what is happening in my client’s body through their body and especially coming into my hands. By listening carefully to not only what the clients are saying but what they are not saying, how they say it, what their bodies do, allows the Trauma Release Therapist to adjust the pace and style of the session to allow the body to safely reorganize and reset.

 What Trauma Release Therapy is NOT:

      • It is not psychotherapy, although there is talking
        about sensations in the body.
      • It is not a traditional massage.
      • Because this is not psychotherapy, clients may wish to seek therapy while going through Trauma Release sessions, although it is not a requirement.

Who might benefit from Trauma Release Therapy?

Anyone (adult, child, or adolescent) who has experienced traumatic events in his/her life or would like to learn to be more fully present in their body.

What is involved?

For the survivor of trauma, the awakening of full awareness and sensation may seem too explosive to risk potentially causing shutdown or re-traumatization. Because of this, the therapy always proceeds on the most manageable level of exploration, with the utmost respect for the client’s sensitivities and limits. In practice, the therapist will guide the client on how to ground, drop into their body, and monitor the client’s physical response that may be outside of the client’s awareness. Through this partnership, the client learns how to build trust in themselves and others. The client will then discuss what they are feeling and experiencing in their body and try to understand what their body is needing on a deeper level. The therapist will help growth by supporting processing, providing feedback, listening deeply, managing safety needs, trouble-shooting obstacles, and creating goals. The intention is to empower the client, reintegrate the body and mind, and restore losses because of trauma.

How does it help?

Trauma and shock that are not resolved and released get stored in our body because every emotion, thought, or action we experience starts as a chemical reaction within our bodies’ tissues. “Touch will activate” the body’s memory of trauma and the resulting shock (Miles, 2001). Sometimes we need help to heal the residue left behind. TRT integrates goal-oriented trauma work, client directed sessions, the therapist’s intent and ability to hold safe sacred space with slow body work to help clients come back to and remain present in their bodies. This work reverses what happened in the body at the time of the trauma.

 Client improvement is often seen in improved posture, brightened affect, feeling really relaxed, reduced somatic discomfort, and the client expressing feeling in touch with his/her body as well as feeling safe and empowered.

Brief Overview

      • A deepening of body awareness and ability to stay present within one’s body
      • The client is fully dressed. Usually, the massage table is not used.
      • The client determines the pace and direction of the session
      • Sessions may utilize any of the following breathwork, touch, movement, and play either within an office setting or outside.
      • TTT is best offered weekly to bi-weekly over the course of 10 sessions at a time. During the initial consultation a plan will be designed best suited for the client and the number of sessions actually needed to start.  Fewer sessions are available if needed.
      • Sessions range 60 to 90 minutes depending on the progress and intensity of the session.
      • Session 1 is the most informational session, gathering your history and going over the basic tools of the work so you have the clearest understanding of our interactions going forward.
      • Successive sessions are determined by the client, each session building on the next as a flow of awareness discovering, connecting and being is created.
      • Last session is our transformation session, where we reflect on the past sessions to celebrate discoveries, shifts and reclamations. From here it’s determined what the next steps will be regarding if more support is needed and if so, the frequency of sessions!


Sunday By Appt 11 – 5
Monday 9am – 7pm
Tuesday 9am – 7pm
Wednesday 9am – 7pm
Thursday 9am – 7pm
Friday 9am – 6pm
Saturday 9am – 5pm


1155 Front Street, Suite 1
Conway, AR 72032


Call (501) 358-6698
Text (501) 259-5727
